The Best Deer Forage Seeds to Attract Hungry Bucks This Summer!

We’ve been seeing a particular trend in vacation photos that our friends post to social media during the past few years: food! Restaurants and local cuisine are becoming more important to both foodies and those who just want to try something delicious when they travel.
Who says deer are any different?
Humans aren’t the only species that travels long stretches for good eats! Deer will travel miles for the best forage—the kind that provides both great taste and protein.
If you want to make your property the next “hot resort” for deer, consider Hancock Seed’s range of deer forage products. Consider the range of qualities that each offers, and which is best for your needs. Reach out to Hancock Seed if we can answer any questions for you!
Hancock’s Ultimate Deer Mix
The name says it all: This is our ultimate mix. It’s tolerant to drought, and its ability to adapt to a wide variety of soils is superb. It doesn’t just grow well; it maintains a presence even under heavy grazing (and you can almost guarantee that there will be heavy grazing with how great it tastes). This blend features high protein counts, which means more healthy fawns and more impressive horns for bucks.
This is a blend of LabLab, Soybeans, WGF Sorghum, Sunflowers and Iron Clay Peas. It can be planted during Spring or Summer.
Hancock’s Spring & Summer Mix
The seeds featured in Hancock’s Spring & Summer Food Plot Mix are fans of moist soil types, while offering similar benefits as Hancock’s Ultimate Deer Mix, including high protein. This blend doesn’t stop providing forage at the end of Summer—depending on the climate in your region, you may get growth well into the Fall season, or until the first frost appears.
This is a blend of Hulled Aeschynomene, Alyce Clover, Sunn Hemp, Dwarf Deer Corn, Japanese Millet, WGF Sorghum, Peredovik Sunflowers and Iron/Clay Cowpeas. You can plant as soon as the risk of frost has passed.
Hancock’s Deer Greens Mix
The seeds that we blend into Hancock’s Deer Greens Mix is a nice combination of brassicas that grow well across the United States. This is a great option if you’re looking for something that will provide good forage during the cold Fall and Winter months. Freezing temperatures will raise the sugar content and make it a must-have for deer.
This is a blend of purple top turnip, Daikon radish, kale and rape.
Hancock’s Killer Clover
Hancock’s Killer Clover is about the healthiest thing that a deer can eat but—based on what we’ve seen—it’s pretty darn delicious as well. This blend features crude protein levels between 25 and 30 percent, attracting the biggest bucks and keeping them up to size. The product’s “perennial” status means that you can get years of use from one application.
This blend includes Crimson Clover, Ledino Grazing Clover, Arrowleaf Clover and Alfalfa.