Carpetgrass Seed - Carpetgrass is primarily used in lawn, pasture and landscape applications in the south. This grass has the ability to withstand saturated soils and will tolerate periods of standing water. Carpetgrass is used in coastal and low lying areas.
Carpetgrass is a creeping, warm season perennial grass that is native to the West Indies. Carpetgrass was introduced into the United States in the early 1800s and has become naturalized in the southeastern states, especially on poorly drained soils. Carpetgrass physically resembles centipede grass in terms of leaf density and shape.
Seeding Rate: 3-5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. for lawn; 50-150 lbs. per acre
Seed Depth: 1/8 - 1/4 inch
Planting Time: Spring - Summer
Type: Perennial warm season grass
pH: 5 - 5.5
Soil: wet - moderate soil moisture
Fertilize: 16-04-08 5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.
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