Corn Food Plot Seed - Dwarf Wildlife Corn also known as "Deer Corn Seed" is a excellent source of food plot nutrition and feed for deer and waterfowl. Dwarf Corn is especially effective for planting near duck ponds or water sources where waterfowl are frequent to. Dwarf Corn Seed is also planted for deer, turkey, quail and pheasant. This wildlife corn variety grows short to approximately 3 to 4 feet in height and develops ears of corn 6 to 12 inches from the ground. Dwarf corn matures in 90 to 110 days depending on planting location and weather conditions. When planting for Ducks, plant Dwarf Corn seed in a up-hill location from the water source. Ducks tend to feed in these areas and will locate the plants easier. Dwarf corn is a great addition to food plots for deer, turkey, quail, ducks, pheasant and other wildlife.
Corn Deer Food Plot Seed
Corn Deer Food Plot Seed