Shasta Daisy is a classic and beloved perennial garden flower recognized for its iconic white daisy-like blooms. Shasta Daisies feature large, classic daisy flowers with white petals radiating around a bright yellow center. Each flower typically measures 2 to 4 inches in diameter and rises on sturdy stems above the foliage.
Product Information
- Botanic Name: Chrysanthemum maximum
- Application or Use: Ornamental, Conservation, Habitat
- Germination Time: 14 -21 days, under optimal conditions
- Growing Locations: Warm Season, Transition Zone, Cool Season
- Height: 3 - 4 feet
- Sunlight Requirements: 8+ hours, full sun for best results
- Advantages: Adapted to many soil types; showy blooms, excellent for landscaping; attracts pollinators.
- When to Plant: Recommended planting time is fall (dormant seeding) and spring and summer when nighttime temperatures are consistently 65+ degrees.
Product Information
These charming plants typically grow to heights of about 1 to 3 feet, forming clumps with multiple stems bearing flowers. Shasta Daisies bloom in late spring to early summer and sometimes into fall, showcasing their abundant and long-lasting flowers. The blooms attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
The plant's foliage consists of deep green, serrated leaves arranged in a basal rosette at the base of the stems. The leaves add to the plant's overall appeal. Shasta Daisies thrive in well-drained soil and prefer full sun but can tolerate partial shade. They're relatively adaptable and are considered low-maintenance once established.
The flowers of Shasta Daisies are attractive to pollinators, making them a beneficial addition to gardens supporting local wildlife. Shasta Daisies are popular in cottage gardens, borders, and as cut flowers due to their classic and enduring charm. They also make excellent additions to perennial beds.
These plants are relatively low-maintenance. Deadheading spent blooms can encourage prolonged flowering, and dividing plants every few years can help maintain vigor. Shasta Daisies are treasured for their classic and cheerful appearance, their attractiveness to pollinators, and their versatility in garden settings, making them a beloved choice for adding a touch of timeless beauty to gardens and landscapes.
*Product packaging may appear different than what is pictured.
Shasta Daisy Wildflower Seed
Shasta Daisy is a classic and beloved perennial garden flower recognized for its iconic white daisy-like blooms. Shasta Daisies feature large, classic daisy flowers with white petals radiating around a bright yellow center. Each flower typically measures 2 to 4 inches in diameter and rises on sturdy stems above the foliage.
For more info on planting instructions and tips for the best results – check out our Warranty & Planting Information here!
Shasta Daisy Wildflower Seed
Shasta Daisy is a classic and beloved perennial garden flower recognized for its iconic white daisy-like blooms. Shasta Daisies feature large, classic daisy flowers with white petals radiating around a bright yellow center. Each flower typically measures 2 to 4 inches in diameter and rises on sturdy stems above the foliage.