Lemon Mint, also known as Lemon Beebalm, is a herbaceous annual plant renowned for its aromatic foliage and attractive flowers. Here's an overview of this delightful herb: Lemon Mint features slender stems with lance-shaped, serrated leaves that emit a strong lemon scent when crushed. The flowers, borne atop these stems, are tubular and come in shades of lavender to pink, arranged in dense, terminal clusters.
Product Information
- Botanic Name: Monarda citriodora
- Application or Use: Ornamental, Conservation, Habitat
- Germination Time: 14 - 21 days, under optimal conditions; seeds may lay dormant for years prior to germination
- Growing Locations: Warm Season, Transition Zone, Cool Season
- Height: 2-3 feet
- Sunlight Requirements: 8+ hours, full sun for best results, adaptable to both sun and partial shade.
- Advantages: Adapted to many soil types; showy blooms, excellent for landscaping; attracts pollinators.
- When to Plant: Recommended planting time Spring when nighttime temperatures are consistently 65+ degrees.
Typically, Lemon Mint grows to a height of about 1 to 3 feet, forming a bushy appearance with multiple stems. The plant blooms from late spring to early summer, displaying its attractive clusters of flowers. These blooms are not only visually appealing but also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
The foliage of Lemon Mint is the highlight, emitting a refreshing lemon fragrance. The leaves are often used in teas, culinary dishes, potpourris, and for their aromatic qualities in gardens. Lemon Mint prefers well-drained soil and thrives in full sun to partial shade. It's relatively tolerant of dry conditions once established.
Lemon Mint is valued for its aromatic leaves, which are utilized in herbal teas and various culinary recipes, adding a lemony flavor. In gardens, it serves as an ornamental plant, attracting pollinators and adding fragrance to the surroundings.
This plant is relatively low-maintenance. Regular watering during dry spells and occasional deadheading can promote prolonged flowering. Lemon Mint stands out for its delightful lemon fragrance, culinary uses, and its ornamental value in gardens, making it a versatile and appealing addition for those seeking both aromatic herbs and ornamental plants.
*Product packaging may appear different than what is pictured.
Lemon Mint Wildflower Seed
Lemon Mint, also known as Lemon Beebalm, is a herbaceous annual plant renowned for its aromatic foliage and attractive flowers. Here's an overview of this delightful herb: Lemon Mint features slender stems with lance-shaped, serrated leaves that emit a strong lemon scent when crushed. The flowers, borne atop these stems, are tubular and come in shades of lavender to pink, arranged in dense, terminal clusters.
For more info on planting instructions and tips for the best results – check out our Warranty & Planting Information here!
Lemon Mint Wildflower Seed
Lemon Mint, also known as Lemon Beebalm, is a herbaceous annual plant renowned for its aromatic foliage and attractive flowers. Here's an overview of this delightful herb: Lemon Mint features slender stems with lance-shaped, serrated leaves that emit a strong lemon scent when crushed. The flowers, borne atop these stems, are tubular and come in shades of lavender to pink, arranged in dense, terminal clusters.