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Perennial Peanut Seed

Perennial Peanut Seed (Arachis glabrata)(Arachis Pintoi) - Perennial Peanut is an attractive, low maintenance ground cover that blooms bright yellow flowers from spring to first frost. This drought tolerant, hardy perennial requires little or no supplemental water after it is established. Perennial peanut is an excellent choice as an alternative ground cover for lawns, golf courses and pastures. It is the same genus as the peanuts that we eat, however perennial peanut produces only a very small pod and a tiny seed.
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EL Type Inoculant - Garden Combo Sale
83 reviews
From $16.99
$34.99 51% off
perennial, peanut, seed, lawn, florida, pintoi Sold out
42 reviews
From $225.00
$275.00 18% off
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