Joint Vetch Seed - Joint Vetch is also known as American Joint Vetch or Aeschynomene is a legume that is a native of the southeastern U. S. and grows well with, and improves perennial grasses. Aeschynomene performs extremely well in fertile, moist woodland soils and the variety Americana is very palatable to livestock, ducks, quail, dove and deer. Aechynomene Seed is the best warm season food plot ingredient for Wildlife Food Plots. Aeschynomene is commonly known as "Aeschynomene Americana" is a coarse, reseeding annual legume that is well adapted to wetland, woody soils and grows best in moist fertile soils Aeschynomene can be flooded and regain growth upon receding flood conditions. This vetch can reach three feet in height and can provide high quality forage with 20% protein and has 70% digestibility and is nematode resistant which is important for southern forage supplements. Joint Vetch Seed Planting Ratesare 15-20 lbs per acre for best results.
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