Want Deer? You Don't Need Luck; You Need Hancock Killer Clover!
Clover is always ready for the spotlight in March, thanks to St. Patricks’s Day. We’re fans of leprechauns, beer, luck and all of the other green things that come along with the holiday, but clover has one more benefit that we’re looking to promote during Spring: protein.
Don’t start putting clover on your corned beef sandwiches... we’re talking about protein for deer. The more protein that bucks can find in their foodstuff, the better. Healthy dining means bigger bucks, a healthier herd, and more offspring as well. In short, everything that someone waiting for deer season wants to get out of their food plot.
Hancock’s Killer Clover Seed Mix is like the organic granola of the deer plot world. It’s about the healthiest thing that a deer can eat and—based on results we’ve seen—it tastes more delicious than less nutritious competition. Our blend features crude protein levels between 25 and 30 percent, attracting the biggest bucks and keeping them up to size. The product’s “perennial” status means that you can get years of use from one application.
If you want to get the big bucks this year, you don’t need the luck of the Irish. You need the blend of the Hancock! Use this guide to create your plot!
Hancock’s Killer Clover Seed Mix is a blend of Crimson Clover (30 percent), Ladino Grazing Clover (30 percent), Arrowleaf Clover (30 percent) and alfalfa (10 percent). This combination of food cover provides optimal taste and nutrition for a hungry deer.
You should take advantage of the middle-warm temperatures of Spring and Fall to begin your Killer Clover plot and prepare for the next hunting season.
One of the more exciting topics regarding Killer Clover is not “when” to plant, but “when” you’ll be able to take advantage of your plot. The answer is for nearly four years (if you take care to apply proper fertilization and maintenance)! This blend is strong in ways that go beyond its high levels of crude protein: It’s cold-tolerant, allowing it to provide forage throughout the year, and it also thrives under heavy grazing.
If you plant Killer Clover today—and follow this production guide—then there’s a great chance that you won’t need to make another application of seeds until 2021!
Clover is a fan of moist soil types, so it will grow almost anywhere in the United States, aside from the sandy deserts of the Southwest. Consider the weather in the region where you reside and consider whether Spring or Fall will provide the best conditions for starting a plot.
You should always start a planting project by testing your soil (you can take a sample to your local Agriculture Extension Agent for extensive stats, usually for free). Our Killer Clover Blend grows best in soil with a pH score between 5.5 and 7.5. Use lime to reduce the acidity of your soil, or you can use sulfur or gypsum to make your soil less basic.
If you’re starting from scratch on your food plot, we recommend applying anywhere between 10 to 15 pounds of seed per acre (we offer 5, 10 and 25 pound bags for your convenience). You’ll want to plant the seeds at around 1/4'' deep. You’ll also want to apply 300 pounds of 10-10-10 Fertilizer per acre. This seed blend is pre-inoculated, so further inoculation isn’t necessary.
Although you’ll only need to apply the Killer Clover Mix once in order to get up to four years of good deer meals, you’ll need to do a touch of maintenance from year-to-year to keep it growing strong. After a year of action, return to the plot and reapply the same fertilizer regime to help promote another 12 months of healthy forage.
Good luck and be sure to share your results with Hancock Seed!