Lawn Problems? Blend Questions? Ask The Seed Lady!

Hancock Seed has contact with several diverse audiences; from farmers looking to grow cover crops, down to someone looking to cultivate a fine lawn. From those looking to attract deer for hunting, to those looking to attract bees for pollinating their wildflowers. The thing all these people have in common?
They all have questions.
Questions about soil, questions about seasons, questions about everything...but especially questions about seed. We thought it was only responsible to pass these questions along to the Seed Lady herself (portrayed glamorously in the image above).
The Seed Lady and The Seed Man have been running Hancock Seed successfully for years, and a cornerstone of their reign has been the realization that the internet provided a incredible platform for reaching their peers and others in need of seed. That’s how came to be.
And, although Hancock’s sales staff love how simple the site makes purchasing seed, it can’t help them answer every question that comes through the telephone! Science fiction suggested that building a clone army of Seed Ladies wouldn’t be the best idea, so they went with “Plan B.”
Ask The Seed Lady!
Do you have questions regarding any part of the planting process, or are you struggling to choose from Hancock Seed’s wide range of products? Just send an email to and she’ll get back to you. If you’re lucky (and you ask a great question), we’ll feature your interaction with the Seed Lady on The Hancock Seed Blog!
So fire away! The Seed Lady is listening!