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Hancock's Bahia Grass Seed

Hancock's Bahia Grass Seed Mixes - Hancock's Bahia grass seed mixes are the solution for establishing lawns, pastures or erosion prone areas. Our bahia seed mixes include a quick cover additive to stabilize the soil and allow the bahia grass seedlings to establish beneath the protective covering. The added ingredients in our mixtures will prevent the bahia grass seed from washing around and accumulating in low areas during heavy rainfall, high wind or traffic. Bahia grass seed is soil temperature sensitive and may take up to six weeks to germinate. During Bahia grasses slow germination process our seed mixtures will provide a beautiful green lawn, pasture or turf grass area. Seed Rate: 50-100 lbs per acre; 5-10 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.Seed Depth: 1/4 inchPlanting Time: Spring - SummerpH: 5.5 - 6.5Fertilizer: 16-04-08
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$ 0
$ 350
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When To Plant
Coated Or Raw
Active Filters
$ 0
$ 350
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When To Plant
Coated Or Raw
Hancock's Pensacola Bahia Grass Seed - Coated Sale
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$69.99 49% off
Hancock's Argentine Bahia Grass Seed - Coated Sale
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From $44.99
$87.99 49% off
Hancock's Argentine Bahia Fall & Winter Grass Seed Mix Sale
255 reviews
From $38.99
$89.99 57% off
Hancock's Argentine Bahia Spring & Summer Grass Seed Mix (Pre-Order) Sale
Hancock's Pensacola Bahia Spring & Summer Grass Seed Mix Sale
Hancock's Pensacola Bahia Grass Seed - Raw Sale
64 reviews
From $37.99
$79.99 53% off
Why Farmer Direct Matters
Hancock grows or acquires seed from fellow farmers, to provide you the best quality at the lowest prices.
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Hancock's Argentine Bahia Grass Seed - Raw Sold out
73 reviews
From $54.99
$167.99 67% off
Tifton 9 Bahia Grass Seed - Uncertified Sold out
34 reviews
From $39.99
$69.99 43% off
Hancock's Pensacola Bahia Fall & Winter Grass Seed Mix Sold out
21 reviews
From $31.99
$69.99 54% off
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